May 1, 2014

Symptoms & Info


What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)?

  • Genetically determined weakening of the cells in the central retina called macula
  • Deterioration of cones, rods and retinal pigment epithelial cells
  • Cellular malfunction and death

What are the Symptoms?

  • Early stages are asymptomatic or show diminished adjustment from light to dark
  • As the condition progresses blurring and reading difficulties begin
  • Generally the progression is very slow
  • In late phases all central vision is lost
normal vision without macular degeneration
Description: Normal vision.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
vision loss from macular degeneration
Description: A scene as it might be viewed by a person with Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

The Cell Story

  • RPE cells have a very high rate of metabolism and oxidation
  • Rods and cones create metabolic debris which cells have to remove or die from choking
  • Deposits of debris form Drusen is an early sign of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Molecular Level

  • High PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) content in the retinal cells
  • PUFA oxidize under influence of light and oxygen and release free radicals
  • Ultraviolet and blue wave lengths promote oxidation

What are the Retinal Natural Antioxidants?

  • Vitamins E and C and Glutathione
  • Enzymes superoxide Desmutase and Glutathione Peroxidase
  • Carotenoids Zeaxanthin and Lutein
  • Beta Carotene is not normally present in the eye

Learn about the ingredients in Horizon Complete.

Types of Macular Degeneration

  • Drusen and early pigment
  • Dry Macular Degeneration
  • Wet Macular Degeneration
  • Hemorrhagic form
  • Disciform or scarred form

stages of macular degeneration

Early Dry AMD

  • For diagnosis need complete eye examination
  • 90% of all Macular Degeneration cases remains dry

Wet or Hemorrhagic AMD

  • 10 to 15% of patients with Macular Degeneration will develop Wet Stage
  • Most will progress to Hemorrhagic Stage and then later to Cicatritial StageThese statistics are improving as more people are getting educated and applying what they learn.

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